Part-time & Weekend CVs in Central Region

Download PDF | Downloads: 6 | Citations: 2 Kholodova OA Part-time work as a way to increase the employment of the population // Labor Economics. - 2016. - Volume 3. - No. 4. - P. 359-370. - doi: 10.18334 / et.3.4.37098. This article is indexed by the RSCI, see Citations: 2 as of 10/31/2020 The development and change of the world economy has had an impact on the transformation of the labor market. This paper will consider one of the consequences of this transformation, namely the creation of a new form of employment for the population - part-time work. As a result of the study, the reasons for the popularization of this type of employment in the countries of the European Union and in Russia, its positive and negative impact on the employee, employer and the economy as a whole were studied. The result of the work was a positive answer to the research question: is it possible to increase employment by increasing part-time contracts? Keywords: hidden unemployment, precarious employment, part-time work, crisis period La Part-time & Weekend CVs in Central Region bor Code of the Russian Federation "dated 30.12.2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on 30.12.2015) 2. Vankevich E. V., Zaitseva O. V. Precarious employment: essence, forms, scale of regulation // Belarusian economic journal. - 2015. - No. 3. - S. 129-146. Gimpelson V., Kapelyushnikov R. Precarious employment and the Russian labor market. Preprint WP3 / 2005/05. - M .: GU HSE, 2005 .-- 36 p. Kapelyushnikov R.I. The end of the Russian labor market model? Preprint WP3 / 2009/06. - M .: Publishing house. House of the State University - Higher School of Economics, 2009. - 80 p. Methodological guide for users of the population survey microdatabase on employment issues. - M .: Goskomstat of Russia. - 2002 Employment Policy for Social Justice and Fair Globalization: A Report on Periodically Discussed Employment Issues // International Labor Conference: 99th Session. - Report IV. 2010. Smirnykh, LI Non-standard labor contracts: experience of using enterprises: preprint WP15 / 2010/03 [Text. / L. I. Smirnykh; State un-t - Higher School of Economics. - M.: Izd. house of the state. University - Higher School of Economics, 2010. - 40 p. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). Labor and employment in Russia 2015 // Statistical collection. - M .: Moscow. - 2015 9. Cherkasov VE, Vakhovsky EV Non-standard forms of employment in the post-industrial economy // Bulletin of the Volga Institute of Management. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 205-212.


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