Telescope With High Range

In this section, we have tried to put together the fragmentary information that can be found on the Internet. There is a lot of information, but it is not systematized and scattered. We, guided by many years of experience, systematized our knowledge in order to simplify the choice for novice astronomy lovers. The main characteristics of telescopes: Typically, the name of a telescope indicates its focal length, lens diameter and mount type. For example, Sky-Watcher BK 707AZ2, where the lens diameter is 70 mm, the focal length is 700 mm, the mount is azimuth, of the second generation. However, the focal length is often not indicated in the telescope markings. For example Celestron AstroMaster 130 EQ. A telescope is a more versatile optical device than a telescope. A wider range of multiplicities is available to it. The maximum available magnification is determined by the focal length (the longer the focal length, the greater the magnification). To show a clear and detailed image at high magnification, the telescope must have a large diameter (aperture) objective. The bigger, t Telescope With High Range he better. The large lens increases the aperture of the telescope and allows viewing distant objects of low luminosity. But with an increase in the diameter of the objective, the dimensions of the telescope also increase, so it is important to understand in what conditions and to observe what objects you want to use it. Changing the magnification in the telescope is achieved by using eyepieces with different focal lengths. To calculate the magnification, you need to divide the focal length of the telescope by the focal length of the eyepiece (for example, a Sky-Watcher BK 707AZ2 telescope with a 10 mm eyepiece will give a magnification of 70x). The multiplicity cannot be increased indefinitely. As soon as the magnification exceeds the resolution of the telescope (lens diameter x1.4), the image becomes dark and blurry. For example, the Celestron Powerseeker 60 AZ telescope with a focal length of 700 mm does not make sense to use with a 4 mm eyepiece, because in this case, it will give a magnification of 175x, which significantly exceeds 1.4 of the telescope diameter - 84). Optical design. Telescopes are specular (reflectors), lens (refractors) and mirror-lens. Objective diameter (aperture). The larger the diameter, the greater the telescope aperture and resolution. All the more distant and dim objects in it can be seen. On the other hand, the diameter greatly influences the size and weight of the telescope (especially the lens one). It is important to remember that the maximum useful magnification of the telescope physically cannot exceed 1.4 of its diameters. Those. with a diameter of 70 mm, the maximum useful magnification of such a telescope would be ~ 98x. Focal length is how far the telescope can focus. Long focal lengths (long-focal telescopes) mean more magnification, but a smaller field of view and aperture. Suitable for detailed viewing of small distant objects. Short focal lengths (short throw telescopes) mean low magnification but large field of view. Suitable for observation of extended objects such as galaxies and for astrophotography. A mount is a method of attaching a telescope to a tripod. Azimuth (AZ) - freely rotates in two planes like a photo tripod.


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