1+ year Female Mixed Breed Dog

Home »Dogs» Dog breeds »Akita Inu» What should be the weight and size of the Akita Inu: parameters of an adult dog and a puppy Akita Inu is a Japanese dog, one of the oldest breeds on Earth. Her homeland is the northern Japanese island of Honshu, where people have hunted in the harsh climate since ancient times. Dogs were their indispensable helpers. The peculiarity of the breed is that the Akita was domesticated, and not bred by selection, and therefore mental stability is its characteristic feature. Representatives of the breed have excellent endurance and high intelligence, which does not allow them to unconditionally obey the owner. Akita Inu is a companion dog, you need to build relationships with it on the basis of partnership. Akita Inu is an oriental aristocrat, she is proud, restrained. He will never show his emotions in public. There were times when these dogs lived in palaces and had their own servants. Akita has a complex character, she is stubborn, smart and vindictive. The breed requires respect for itself, while the breeder's task is to make this respect mutual, otherw 1+ year Female Mixed Breed Dog ise the dog will quickly take a dominant position. An adult male Akita has a weight of 30-40 kg. The back is straight and strong, the chest is well developed, deep, the belly is tucked up. The tail of the Akita is long enough to form a ring curved towards the back. A short tail is unacceptable in the breed. The eyes are small, triangular in shape, the ears are small, thick with rounded tips. Differences in the proportions of the bodies of males and bitches are pronounced. The height at the withers of an adult male is 64-70 cm. The constitution has an almost square format: the ratio of height and length of the body is 10 to 11. Akita is a bitch smaller than a dog. Its height at the withers is 58-64 cm. The back may be longer than that of a dog. The head, skull and muzzle of a dog are wider, longer and thicker than that of a bitch. Differences in sex characteristics indicate that Akita Inu dogs are the most highly developed animals. Japanese ring judges say that the sex of a dog should be immediately visible at a glance. We often hear the judgments of breeders about small Akita males that such males are undersized. These breeders choose large males for breeding. I believe that this is a waste of the times of the "mixed" Akita, when in many European countries American Akitas, "mixed" Akitas, participated in breeding. Only the opinion of the ring expert will be decisive, only he decides whether the Akita dog is small or large, large or tall. Let me give you an example: one of the highest quality stud dogs in Japan was only 62 cm tall, distinguished by an excellent breed type, was correctly built and had a wonderful character. The standard sizes of his offspring are: females - 58-64 cm, males - 64-70 cm. https://jiji.com.et/kolfe-keranio/dogs-and-puppies/1-year-female-mixed-breed-dog-qfWIrhCHGHlhJErxUF6anua9.html


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